Top 5 Health Benefits Of Celtic Sea Salt

With a little bit of sea salt, you can even ease joint pain while also healing your skin and promoting healthy cell growth. Some types of natural sea salts like Himalayan, Celtic, and Fleur de sel are also considered healthier forms of salt because they offer additional health benefits.

Celtic Sea Salt 

Celtic sea salt is a type of salt that is harvested from the Celtic Sea off the coast of France. It retains more moisture than refined table salt and has a slightly moist feel. It can also be darker or tinted gray, meaning it’s rich in minerals like iodine, magnesium, iron, manganese, zinc, and potassium. [1] Though this sea salt is specifically limited to the west coast of France (as are most sea salts), much of the sea salt sold under the brand name “Celtic Sea Salt” is harvested in many different parts of the world.

Celtic Sea Salt Benefits

The flavor of sea salt depends on where in the world it is harvested, and it also varies depending on what region’s particular geological composition. Celtic sea salt provides a light-colored, flaky texture that adds a dose of salty flavor. The healthy benefits associated with this type of salt are many, but from our experience as chefs, we can say there’s one thing it’s particularly great for – baking!

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Heals Skin Damage

Sea salt is a popular ingredient to help damaged or broken skin, and it’s also recommended as an exfoliant. Salt actually acts as a disinfectant, while the trace essential minerals help soothe the injured skin, bringing down any inflammation. Sea salt washes are recommended for rashes, acne, and rosacea. Repeated treatment can be very drying on sensitive skin, so applying a moisturizer immediately after is recommended.

Promotes Healthy Cell Growth

Celtic sea salt contains 92 trace minerals. Twenty-four- which are called absolutely essential minerals- are needed for many basic bodily functions that can lead to unwanted symptoms. Sea salt is more fluid and lets fluid move easily from the bloodstream and throughout the body, according to personal trainer and author, Jordan LeBlanc. Regular table salt can lead to a buildup in the fluid around joints, potentially leading to edema or kidney issues.

Reduces Mucus

One of the best uses for Himalayan sea salt is its ability to assist with reducing swelling in the nose, sinuses, and lungs. It can also help reduce fluid build-up and water retention in joints.

Relieves Joint Pain

Recently, researchers found that soaking in a high-salt bath, with 25% salinity or higher, helps relieve inflammation around swollen joints from osteoarthritis. Low-salinity solutions actually aggravate areas of inflammation, but high-salt content dehydrates the cells around the swollen area and brings down inflammation levels.

Necessary Iodine

Your body doesn’t produce iodine, but it’s vital for hormone regulation. All hormones are produced by the thyroid gland, which uses iodine in its production. A goiter on your thyroid is a sign of deficiency. Vitamin C can help transport iodine in the body better, making Celtic sea salt an effective way to prevent these types of deficiencies. These deficiencies can also lead to infertility and some studies suggest that it may be a risk factor for certain types of cancer. While other salts contain areas of iodine, Celtic sea salt is natural and contains anywhere from 2 parts per million to 7 parts per million depending on the size of the salt grain.[4][5]

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Celtic Sea Salt vs. Himalayan Salt

The salt used in Celtic sea-kale blends is harvested from seawater and evaporated. It’s often darker because it has mineral deposits, such as iron oxide. Himalayan salt has a light shade of pink, caused by the presence of iron oxide. While both salts have differing amounts of potassium, Celtic sea-kale salt is often more finely ground than Himalayan sea-kale salt to keep flavor intact and reduce moisture release.

Side Effects of Celtic Sea Salt

High levels of sodium can be dangerous to your cardiovascular health, and they should be eaten in moderation. The recommended upper limit for an adult is 2,300 milligrams per day. For people with a history of heart disease, or who are at risk for heart disease, the most generous daily limit is 1,500 milligrams per day. Because of heavy metal contamination in the oceans today, it’s important to know where your sea salt is harvested.

High levels of sodium consumption can lead to hypertension, which is a serious condition that causes harm to the cardiovascular system. Moderate levels are safe, and people with a history of heart issues or high risk for heart problems should avoid eating more than 1,500 mg per day. This is because sea salt often contains mercury, lead and other heavy metals, so it’s important to know where yours was of harvested.